Our Goodbye

 Suddenly, everything happened in a flash.

The rain began to fall heavily, and everyone walking on the sidewalk sought a place to take cover. As always, I reacted too late, and when I tried to find a place, I couldn't, and that was when I saw you.

You were walking towards me with that smile that always characterized you, carrying a red umbrella to break the monotony of winter's dark colors. Nervousness spread through my body, and I turned back along the path I had been trying to hide in; it was impossible. I felt the comforting protection of the umbrella you had extended behind me.

"If you don't want to look at me, it's okay," you said, "but please take the umbrella."

A tear started to fall down my cheek. I assumed you wouldn't notice it because of how soaked I was, so taking a deep breath, I turned and looked at you, unable to resist. Your caring blue eyes examined my face, and you extended your hand to wipe away the fallen tears. You smiled sadly and asked why I had left.

I couldn't say anything, as always happened when I was with you. What were words for when our gazes spoke more?

I took your hand and gently slid my palm to take the umbrella. Unable to maintain eye contact with you, I looked at the ground. You sighed, caressed my face as you had done years ago, and that was the moment I knew I would never forget you.

You, you would always be there. In every song I heard, in every sunrise I witnessed, in every sunset I experienced, when I saw the moon, our moon, I would remember everything, everything. I approached and kissed you on the cheek, saying, "I will never forget you."

You looked at me with sad eyes, and I got lost in the depth that is the blue of the sky. You clenched your fist, expressing your helplessness as the situation slipped away from us. You couldn't do anything, you knew it. I couldn't either.

You sighed, and I didn't understand. Finally, you said with a sad voice, "You've already forgotten me."

"No, I haven't," I wanted to say. But I didn't have the courage to say it; I just felt a small void appearing, a space that remained without you in my heart.

"I... no..." I whispered.

You lowered your gaze and said, "I think it's time." I instantly understood what you didn't want to explain.

I had grown, matured, blossomed, and I had to follow another path. You gave me one last look and said, "You have to do it first." I smiled unintentionally; it was the first time you set aside your chivalry.

It was time to take a step back. As I did so, I felt a cold breeze separate us. Would I find you again? You slowly released my hand, looked at the horizon, and said, "Goodbye," with that classic accent I loved.

I wiped away a rebellious tear and said very slowly, "Goodbye," wishing that moment could last forever.

There was no turning back; I had to continue my path, fulfill my goals, my life, my story... it was just beginning.


El diario inconstante
The Black Heralds
The Complete Poetry
Cesar Vallejo - Poesia Completa
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Don Quixote
King Lear
Much Ado About Nothing
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Hamlet combine
Romeo and Juliet
Wuthering Heights
Toda la verdad de mis mentiras
My Lady Jane
The Cruel Prince

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